
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Five Point Someone

I was asked to read this book by many friends. Some saw Alok in me( minus tears of course) and some even saw Ryan in me ( minus my parents aren't that rich.). But nobody saw Hari in me because I played that part back in school minus the girl.
Then I was also requested to write a review b'coz I suppose, my image was of ultimate bad boy in college girl's hostel ( as I have been told). I still do not know why? ( As if I care!)

Well to start with it highly overrated. It's a good book but no classic or refreshing like DCH as said by Financial Express. I am sure many of you will not agree. Let me explain. Its more like ordinary Hindi movie script. Check the striking similarities.

1)Ryan: Bad boy from rich family like any ordinary Hindi movie. He hates his parents since they kept him in hostel since his school days. Another myth. All habits like Grass, Vodka, Bunking classes, skipping exams are his creation. He is smart in practical application of fundas.

2)Alok: From a poor family, round shaped, sissy boy who breaks in tears. Breaks from group due to poor GPA and comes back even though his GPA hasn't recovered.

3)Venkat: Studious, Refuses to budge even when Alok has to take his father to hospital.

4)Hari: Cool dude, does not take sides and is able to held group together. Tries to be Ryan. For failing in vivas has a excuse of his father's beating. Plus( Big one) he has a girl even though he looks ordinary.

Fultu Hindi Movie. Rich kid has to be bad. He hate studies and yet he studied so hard to get in IIT. Cool! In a group once a member has introduced a habit, others pick up and never all the habits are originated by one man. So One person is total black and the other two are bhola bhala ppl stuck with him. Nope! Everyone has his share of original ideas. May be only Ryan's would have been good and accepted, but everyone has ideas and mentions it in group.

One guy from poor family sees that all his problems will be solved by joining IIT and screws up after that. Unbelievable! His thoughts are washed out by mere friend's gyan. Cool! Again when he gets wake up call, he comes back. Venkat is studious and has to be a mugger. See he studies so much and gets 10, we do not do much but still manage 5. Nothing gr8, right?

seniors fled the scene of ragging due to Ryan's machoism. Please!

Hari, you are big one. A girl says sorry and then says she will see you again that too when u r not too handsome. Man, tell us either we are stupid enough to agree with that or you are. I cannot believe that. Do you leave in India?

The girl is ok meeting you outside even though the ice-cream parlor owner knows her daddy. Girls won't meet u miles close to area where somebody knows them if they are afraid of their family. As always Neha's father is a cruel bastard. She has a tragedy to cry with. Isn't that what happens in all Hindi movies?

You screw that big time and still forgiveness is divine and hence Cherian allows you to show your sem as research absence. To do that, he does not need to read ur project again and pass you on merit. He has to read the letter a day before ur score and then he cries for his son. Regrets screwing up his son's life and u get a waiver. The Villain has to have a heart change since he is Girl's father. Again typical hindi movie.

If this is reality, our complain of realastic cinema is not valid. It is very close to realism.

Having criticized, I would still maintain the book is good read but not classic. The subject is close to young ppl. Hence it scores high in market.

All above pts look marketing stuff ingrained so that book is accepted in market and parents still think their son is good unless some rich brat messes with his life.

I liked the end of book b'coz it was reality. I liked hari's questions and thoughts with himself b'coz they look real.

If you hope to read some of interesting stuff that happened in my college/school life , keep watching this space. I may rewrite some of them.(Oh! I know what u want. My bhoot of love-shav & all).

Till then bye.


  • Yes buga,

    This was close to what i too felt...

    BUt going ahead books in this gensis is going to be hit in new world order...You have to accept the truth...
    Unlike old time,people going for art cources are less...and This IT boom sucks all of the creative brains to make them maximum appreciate 5 point some one..

    Now days who has time to read the classic and analyse the philosphy behind this is maximum we can get and chetan as any other MBA does understand market well.

    I am reading his second one "onenight@call centre" ,This too is on similar lines...
    espcially regarding girlfriends funda...
    How easy things are going for chetan's heroes?where as we are still......

    But overall it constitute a light reading and can the narrative is funny and intersting...
    And i know lot of people after reading it thought why haven't i done this before him?

    By Blogger Aneshi, at 1:47 PM  

  • I could not read your blog fully as i am not at all impressed and not even interested the OVERRATED book Five point someone.I have heard it is about call centers jobs. I suggest you to Read Gautam Buddha :-) .

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:46 PM  

  • No Yogesh, Its about 3 guys in IIT.

    By Blogger bhuga, at 4:13 PM  

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