
Thursday, November 10, 2005


My last read was "The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari" by Robin Sharma. It was a good read. One of the point that I kept chewing was "Whatever is happening with you has happened with someone else before. So you have books for all problems, solutions".

Then I thought may be there is someone who must have been through what I may going through right now. I am lost! I do not know what is purpose of my life? I read 100+ books which say you need to have goal in your life. How do I find one? Is there any book which can tell me how do find my goal? A book which will guide me to find my purpose of life. I know, I know & have heard of "Only oneself can decide what he wants to decide in his life." But All I need is help to know what I will do in my life.

Does anyone knows such a book?


  • Hey Bhuga,
    Just seen your blog while wandering through the MAYAJAL.
    I just can't believe ....the DareDevil Bhuga pondering over the GOAL FOR LIFE....
    Don't worry dude Here I come....I don't believe that for every problem you will get printed solution. You better do some SOUL SEARCHING....I am sure you will get the answer....

    By Blogger Rushikesh Humbe, at 5:09 AM  

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