
Saturday, August 13, 2005

Gatari Amavasya

I was about to sleep when I received a mail from one of my colleague in offshore team. The mail was titled HAPPY GATARI. It had nothing but this picture. I asked my roomies ( 2 are from Maharashtra) if they knew about gatari amavasya, only one of them had a clue what it meant. I decided I am gonna educate everybody about this very nice day.

Different Indian states have different festivals which are celebrated in a particular state. Maharashtra also has such festivals. One of them is gatari Amavasya ( undoubtedly my favorite). For all angrej, Gatar is drain/sewage and amavasya is new moon. Most of the Indian festivals are either on the day of new moon or full moon.

I don't know why they celebrate gatari but I like the concept. The funda is its official day declared by religion to eat non-veg, to drink alcohol. Isn't that cool? We got a auspicious day for doing such things. Now there will be intellects, who will question that this is not written somewhere in any religious book or so. I really do not care. There is such a concept and I prefer to follow it blindly since I like it. Afterall, we do follow many things in the name of God without questioning. It is a mere one more addition. Common folks, follow it!

I trust in God and follow some of rituals, traditions observed in name of him. Well, I follow some of them because they make sense to me. I follow some in front of my parents because it makes them happy. Even they know that I do not follow those in their absence. And then there are some like gatari which I just follow without any sense coz I like the outcome.

Frustrated by attitudes of Desi females in states who show no interest in Desi males to go out and firangs whom he is does not have courage to ask out, a friend of mine asked if we have a day for love, romance and blah! blah!.

"Why not? We have a full month for it. The month of bhadrapada." I quipped.

The poor soul did not knew bhadrapada is actually observed in dogs. Now don't ask me how can a dog differentiate between months. Any questions please ask gunti.


  • That photograph caused my palate and taste buds to pine with extreme ferocity!

    By Blogger Schrodinger, at 2:50 PM  

  • Nice article Bhuga..

    But u said that Gatari Amavasya is the official day on which one can eat non-veg and gulp drinks/alcohol as much he/she can..

    I think, it is the month of "Shravan" which has created existance of Gatari Amavasya. As we stop eating non-veg all-over the month of "Shravan", the last day of month "Ashadh" becomes the last day to eat non-veg . Hence Ashadi Amavasya we started calling as "Gatari Amavasya" ..!!

    There is a scientific reason to stop eating non-veg during this period of rainy season.. Do u know what is that ?

    You know, our ancestors were really intelligent guys... !!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:58 AM  

  • Hey I like your version of the story. :D

    By Blogger grafikpun, at 2:07 PM  

  • Hey Chandrakant,
    Nice information share. We would like to know scientific reason behind stop eating non-veg during rainy season.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:51 AM  

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